Wednesday, July 2, 2008


what a lying slut.

i know i haven't had a chance to do this in awhile, but God hadn't committed anyone to eternal damnation for awhile. well He just did.

this one's name is omgeez

and she totally deserves the scorn and the rock throwing.

here is her long list of offenses

1. remember that miraculous soup i blogged about awhile ago? that one i thought was probably was manna? guess what? it wasn't. she LIED. she invoked the Lord's name for ATTENTION. trying to falsey take advantage of a miracle is just gross. you want to know a REAL miracle? the miracle of life!

yeah, i'd like to see her try that one. that brings me to point 2.

2. she probably can't because her lady parts have probably fallen off through syphilis because she is a SLUT. a PAINTED JEZEBEL.

yeah, and that ain't her first time at the rodeo if you know what i mean... the doing lots of guys at once rodeo that is.

3. she lives in l.a. you know who else lives there? celebrities. and you know what they do?

you know who else lives there? homosexuals. you know what they do?

so yeah. don't blame me for the posting of these pornographic images. blame omgeez. if you see her anytime soon, don't be afraid to throw the first stone.

hopefully i'll be more calm tomorrow. night y'all.

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