Wednesday, July 2, 2008


what a lying slut.

i know i haven't had a chance to do this in awhile, but God hadn't committed anyone to eternal damnation for awhile. well He just did.

this one's name is omgeez

and she totally deserves the scorn and the rock throwing.

here is her long list of offenses

1. remember that miraculous soup i blogged about awhile ago? that one i thought was probably was manna? guess what? it wasn't. she LIED. she invoked the Lord's name for ATTENTION. trying to falsey take advantage of a miracle is just gross. you want to know a REAL miracle? the miracle of life!

yeah, i'd like to see her try that one. that brings me to point 2.

2. she probably can't because her lady parts have probably fallen off through syphilis because she is a SLUT. a PAINTED JEZEBEL.

yeah, and that ain't her first time at the rodeo if you know what i mean... the doing lots of guys at once rodeo that is.

3. she lives in l.a. you know who else lives there? celebrities. and you know what they do?

you know who else lives there? homosexuals. you know what they do?

so yeah. don't blame me for the posting of these pornographic images. blame omgeez. if you see her anytime soon, don't be afraid to throw the first stone.

hopefully i'll be more calm tomorrow. night y'all.


what am i doing? it just seems lately i've been not posting for days at a time! what is up with that?

i wonder, is it the Lord working through me? is He causing me to pass out for days at a time? is He causing me to make horrible decisions that may negatively alter the way i live the rest of my life? or could it be some other mysterious force making me do this horrible things?

nah. probably the Lord.

the Lord works in mysterious ways y'all. i may not know what he is doing, but he will always provide me with helping hands and aids where ever i go.

thank you Jesus! God bless!

Monday, June 30, 2008


so what do y'all think of miracles?

i don't know about modern miracles, since i kinda feel God has turned his back on our sinful society, but today a friend said she found a bowl of soup in the microwave. she didn't even put it there. does that remind anyone else of when in the old testament all those people were hungry and then God gave them some manna? it reminds me of that toooo! so do y'all think it is a miracle, a hoax, or just someone's forgetful memory?

miracles: real or fake?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

sorry folks!

hey y'all! sorry i haven't posted in a big. my live has been CRAZY recently.

so yesterday i didn't really get a chance to post because i had to switch apartments. i don't really know why though. i don't quite understand this new york apartment thing. anyway, this one is now in greenpoint and there are all these polish people here! how did they get here? shouldn't they be in poland? i don't care though, but they are SO FUNNY. i just love them! each one of them is a gem in their one way.

sometimes i think the poles might be God's chosen people, not the germans. what do you think?

anyway, there was a problem though. there were no sheets on the bed! like, nothign! you should have seen my face!

so today i had to go out sheet shopping and i bought some which i think are pretty darn fancy. sometimes i think WSWJB (what sheets would Jesus buy) and if i had to answer it, it totally would be these!

but in a way, i feel good about last night. not having sheets was a little bit like Jesus not having a bed the day he was born and instead having only hay. it was sad for both me and for Jesus.

hey y'all, any ideas about how can we eliminate homelessness?

Friday, June 27, 2008

2 much h8e?

i dunno. after reading through my last post, which i totally still agree with, i am just wondering if i am being too negative. am i?

i just keep talking about all these bad things, like homosexuals, fornicators, and furries, but that isn't all God made. earlier today, i saw something that totally changed me.

so i standing on the street in new york, my new 'home.' i saw a beautiful sight. picture this:





on top of a


.... that's right! a brown baby dancing on top of a car! it was just such a refreshing thing. it in a world with so much sin, it is so great to see someone so young enjoying it anyway.

babies are the best, right?

but, i gotta ask, how young is too young???


so i've been attacking certain individuals recently, but there are much bigger problems in the world. like groups. certain groups are people are just straight up sinful and wrong.

take the "furry community" for example. first off, their common interest revolves around sexuality. sexuality is great and some day i hope to experience it, but the Lord says i got to wait for the perfect woman, so i am. i don't mind; i'm patient.

also, they identify with animals, maybe even wanting to intercourse them? i dunno. i love dogs too, but the Lord say we shouldn't lay with animals like that. of course we have all thought about it, but no one actually does it. gross. plus, they don't even have souls.

i don't know. what do you think? furries are totally gross and perverse and God totally hates them, right?

but i guess it's all about love, right? so it's fine as long as the couple is married? or is it missionary position only, and only for babies? i dunno. what do YOU think?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


hey friends,

got to warn you about another sinner. this one comes in the form of a homosexual.

i just don't know what his deal is. first off, is he a foreigner? i checked the dictionary and neither "chipster" nor "wonk" is in it. those aren't real words! what is up with that?!?!

secondly, i have never asked the guy, but he is clearly a homosexual. his picture shows he has pouty lips and sunglasses. it is a fact homosexuals like to accessorize. also, he blogged about pride, which i think is another word the homosexual community has corrupted, much like "gay" and "faggot."

thirdly, his photography leaves a lot to be desired.

finally, he refers to all of his friends using a system of complex and incomprehensible aliases. this is clearly a cover-up, that, when mixed with his likely status as a homosexual foreigner, suggests some sort of terrorist connection.

OM GEEZ = osama bin laden????

remember kids, God made your body the way it is for a reason and some parts are meant to be exit only. don't be gross.