Friday, June 27, 2008


so i've been attacking certain individuals recently, but there are much bigger problems in the world. like groups. certain groups are people are just straight up sinful and wrong.

take the "furry community" for example. first off, their common interest revolves around sexuality. sexuality is great and some day i hope to experience it, but the Lord says i got to wait for the perfect woman, so i am. i don't mind; i'm patient.

also, they identify with animals, maybe even wanting to intercourse them? i dunno. i love dogs too, but the Lord say we shouldn't lay with animals like that. of course we have all thought about it, but no one actually does it. gross. plus, they don't even have souls.

i don't know. what do you think? furries are totally gross and perverse and God totally hates them, right?

but i guess it's all about love, right? so it's fine as long as the couple is married? or is it missionary position only, and only for babies? i dunno. what do YOU think?

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