Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What -WOULD- Jesus Blog?

hey y'all.

today was my first day in new york. i was looking forward to a new start in a new city, but i woke up today, and i just don't know. i went down to the local coffee shop, and on the way, i passed so many signs of our society's descent towards the dark black hole of the seven deadly sins. i passed little girls showing too much cleavage, hobos that don't even have shoes but can afford whiskey, and bastard babies bred by slut parents out of wedlock.

so i started wondering, "how would God react to this society of full of sin and selfishness?" i got me thinking that something has got to change. people need someone to give them a message of hope and someone to spread His word.

so i'm taking it back. i'm using the sinful medium of the internet to get into God's mind grapes, squish them around a bit, and try to figure out-

what -WOULD- jesus blog about?!?!?

i'll pray tonight and see what direction He will take me in tomorrow.

god bless.

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